We help you find the right place by treating you like the right tenant.
Looking for a new place to live is already stressful, and it doesn’t help when a property manager fails to see the person behind the application.
At Arcata Property Management, our goal is to provide a rental process that’s as reassuring as walking through your own front door, because rent shouldn’t have to come before the renter.
Available Rentals
It’s tough to find a property in a booming rental market like Humboldt County, but we have you covered.
Rather than charge a separate application fee for every property we offer, one application is valid for 3-months for all APM listings--even those we haven’t posted yet. That way you can continue your search for the right property without worrying if simply looking will cost you too much.
And listings change regularly, so check back often to see what’s available.
How to Apply
Step 1:
Fill Out Application
Step 2:
Submit Online
Step 3:
Wait Days, Not Weeks,
to Hear Back
Part of valuing a potential tenant is valuing their time.
That’s why we accept the first qualified applicant for a property and inform other applicants in a timely manner, so no one’s rental plans are stuck in a holding pattern.
We also provide easy access to the forms and information necessary to apply, such as co-signer applications and HSU dorm release forms.
Renter Resources
Many of our tenants are new to Humboldt, or new to renting in general.
That’s why we make it easy to find the resources they need to get the most out of their time with APM, including:
Direct lines to property managers and maintenance staff
Downloadable maintenance request forms
Contact information for local utility providers
Cleaning checklists, including responsibilities for renters and management
Reach Out Today
If you have any questions at all about who we are or the properties we offer, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
We believe in being open and transparent about our rental practices and what you can expect from APM, because an applicant can’t be sure they have found the right property until they’re sure they found the right property manager.